
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Husband, The Father

Now, I know I will write plenty of posts spotlighting my wonderful husband, Shane.He really did it himself, you know. Bumped this post up the queue of other ideas I've had. How? Well, let me explain how yesterday went down...

I updated yesterday how I've been struggling with getting our girl to sleep for naps. I made a huge mistake in wearing her (in a completely wrong way - not that she was in harm, she was secure, but it was KILLING my back!). I did it in this way because its easy to take off without disturbing her and (the dream is to then) put her down with ease. Well, needless to say that didn't happen. She was sound asleep for a good while when I decided to creep up the stairs to put her down. The second I laid her down....


Oh no! I've lost all progress and this girl NEEDS some sleep. Forget what I need (to sweep the floor, put in a load of laundry, a mid afternoon snack, etc. etc.) this girl is beyond tired. Any mom who has gone through this moment can tell you its the worst. You can't help but feel utterly defeated. You swore it would work. It just HAD to.

Well to my luck my dear dear husband was coming home early to work on his car. He came upstairs and saw I was grasping at straws. In one fell swoop he came in and started to calm her down (and me, in the process). We laid together on the bed next to the pack and play, waiting for her to drift into slumber, for she had calmed down remarkably since he made his appearance.

Needless to say, at some point I dozed off completely. Snoozetown, USA - Population: ME. Apparently she never fell asleep and got restless and my husband picked her up and took her downstairs to get calm in a new environment. He later told me it took him about a half hour to submit to a nice nap in the swing. I woke up, in a panic, realizing what had just taken place. MY HERO!

I came downstairs and saw he was playing his beloved basketball video game and our little peach was snoozing away in her swing in the corner.

You could argue that in this moment he was being the worlds best husband - noticing that his wife needed a few moments of shut-eye and I wouldn't disagree. But not only did he take care of MY needs, he was so patient with our daughter and took care of her, too. I was beaming. Of course this is only one small example of how I am reminded EVERYDAY that I chose the best partner in life, but you get the gist.

My two favorite people 11/6/2012

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