
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bedtime Reflections

There is something really magical about Alison's bedtime. After a busy day of playing, meal making, and cleaning, I look forward to tip-toeing up to her room and snuggling in the rocking chair. The older she gets the more I enjoy nursing and that's no exception at bedtime. We both relax and she holds my hand and she settles in for the night. Sometimes it's hard to contain my smile - there is nothing like being needed and holding her close. The darkness also gives me time to reflect and give thanks for all of the wonderful things in my life, especially my girl, my husband, and our health. I give her an extra squeeze when I imagine what life will be like a year, five, ten years from now. While she finishes her meal and drifts off to sleep, I try to stop and take a mental "photograph" of the moment. All too soon, my sweet girl will be too big for my lap and want to sleep on her own and the memories of these precious nights will be all I'll have.

My sleeping beauty

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